Bruce Springsteen Live – Von seinem Zuhause in dein Zuhause / Volume 10
Am 12. August 2020 war Bruce Springsteen erneut im Sirius Studio zu Gast und präsentierte die zehnte Ausgabe seiner Radiosendung „From My Home to Yours“. Diesmal stand die Show unter dem Motto „In Dreams“.
Die Sendung startete gegen Mitternacht und Bruce Springsteen erzählte, dass er die meiste Zeit in seinem Leben keine grosse Vorliebe für den Tag hatte. „Als Kind war ich ein Nachtkrieger und der Sonnenaufgang brachte nur Hindernisse“.
„For most of my life, I had no great fondness for the day. A born night crawler, up till 3 a.m. as a young child. Waking too early, schoolwork, and somebody else running my life. But at night I found my mind came to life. I felt a stimulation, and a creative excitement, a freedom, that eluded me in the day. At night, I felt most like myself.“
Als ersten Song präsentierte Bruce Springsteen das Instrumental „Man With a Harmonica“ des kürzlich verstorbenen italienischen Komponisten Ennio Morricone.
Bruce Springsteen sagte:
„Man With a Harmonica helped dim the lights and strike a cinematic vibe“.
„Man With a Harmonica“ wurde für den Sergio Leone Western „Spiel mir das Lied vom Tod“ im Jahre 1968 verwendet und machte Ennio Morricone zu einer Legende.
Bruce Springsteen fuhr fort:
„All that night was just something that came naturally to me. There was just something I loved about being awake as the straight world slept. It excited me. It sparked my creativity. And it gave me the uninterrupted peace and quiet I needed to work.
Occasionally, I’d break curfew, just to get out of the house. I’d take a 2 or 3 a.m. night drive in my ’60 ‚Vette, over the local roads of Monmouth County; the darkness and shadows of the highway at night was where I lived. I was a wandering spirit, barely there, looking briefly into the dimly lit homes where I could be living any one of a thousand other lives, filled with family and friends. But I wasn’t. For now, the life I chose was here: the life of words, the life of song, the life of these roads, of these evenings. This life — and all it gave, and all it withheld — was my life“.
Nach der Eigenkompositon „Stolen Car“ und dem The War On Drugs Lied „Strangest Thing“ erzählte Bruce Springsteen aus seiner Jugend und gab zu Protokoll, dass er eine Persona non grate im Zuhause seiner ersten Freundin war. Ich wurde von der Mutter meiner Freundin als unerwünscht eingestuft.
„I was persona non grata at my first real girlfriend’s house. It was 1965. Maybe it was the hair, my cultivated look of dishevelment, but whatever it was, I was marked as an undesirable by my perfect girlfriend’s mother.
Now, I was 15, and my gal was a year younger than me, 14. But though a year younger, she had a surprising, burgeoning sexuality that showed me up for being as inexperienced as I was at that age. But, I had one thing going for me: I was forbidden. I was not to be had. I was not to be touched. And she had a bit of a closeted rebellious streak of her own. So when mom was away, we ventured to mom’s bedroom, where she introduced me, for the first time, to what I think was full-on sex — though due to the fog of war, 55 years later, I can’t be completely sure. All I remember was she was beautiful, with a softness and a kindness cut by a streak of cruelty I should have took more notice of.
Now, in the shadows always lurked a major problem to our paradise. You see, she was solidly middle class: perfect plaid skirt, blouse with the Peter Pan collar, white socks, long blond tresses. I was a denizen from the far side of nowhere, where blacks intermingled with whites, where a man never left his house in a suit unless he was going to church or in trouble. Where the firemen, and the truck drivers, and the auto workers gathered around each other’s porches on summer nights and passed beers and stories of the week around.
Well, her mother could not help but be disappointed in and disapprove of who she thought I was. So the word came down, and she theatrically threatened to get a restraining order that would forbid me from seeing her perfect daughter.
Now, her perfect daughter had plenty of „Fuck you, Mom“ in her, so we began to meet at night, at the Broad Street schoolyard. And there, amongst the empty monkey bars and sliding boards and swings and seesaws, stood an oak tree that became our rendezvous and redemption point. We worked and leaned hard against that oak’s trunk on many a summer and fall night, trying to find whatever pleasure and satisfaction we could there. She stole time from Mama, girlfriends, and homework to meet me there. It was always too short, and a little painful. But at least she’d come, and we were there together.
Then one night she didn’t come. Or the next night, either. So I sat on the swings with the rest of the ghosts, dragging my feet through stones and dirt, until 2 a.m. Then I went home. The revolution was over. Whatever use I had been, I was needed no longer. I had engaged the enemy on the field of the battle of love, and I had been defeated. Or maybe she just got tired of it all — became too much of a hassle.
Well, I finally caught her at her locker in school, one morning, and she tried to be kind, but I wouldn’t let her. I wanted to hear her say it was all over. So she said it. I went home, and I decided to rid myself of her, to relieve my heart of her, to release my mind of the burden of thinking of her. It didn’t work. I’d see her in my dreams“.
Im weiteren Verlauf der knapp zweistündigen Sendung rezitiert Springsteen unter anderem aus dem Robert Louis Stevenson Gedicht „The Land of Nod“ und zeichnet Barszenen nach, die an den Song „Tougher Than The Rest“ erinnern.
Bruce Springsteen beendete die Sendung mit folgenden Worten:
„How do we live beneath the beauty of God’s hand? How do we become worthy of the love that he’s made possible for us on Earth? And how do we light and carry our own lamp through the darkness? How do we be brave in His name and in our love?“
Ennio Morricone – „Man With a Harmonica“
Lee Hazelwood und Nancy Sinatra – „Some Velvet Morning“
Ludovico Einaudi – „Night“
Lana Del Rey – „American“
Moby – „Fireworks“
Bruce Springsteen – „Stolen Car“
The War on Drugs: „Strangest Thing“
Brian Eno – „Always Returning“
Leonard Cohen – „In My Secret Life“
Bruce Springsteen – „Breakaway“
Bruce Springsteen – „Meeting Across the River“
Ry Cooder – „Cancion Mixteca“
Bruce Springsteen – „Sad Eyes“
Ola Gjeilo – „Before Dawn“
Bruce Springsteen – „Something in the Night“
Sigur Rós – „Ágaetis byrjun“
Roy Orbison – „In Dreams“
Mark Isham und Marianne Faithfull – „The Hawk (El Gavilan)“
Robert Shaw – „Beautiful Dreamer“
Reverend Horton Heat – „In Your Wildest Dreams“
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