Aug 15 2020

Bruce Springsteen Live – Von seinem Zuhause in dein Zuhause / Volume 10

Am 12. August 2020 war Bruce Springsteen erneut im Sirius Studio zu Gast und präsentierte die zehnte Ausgabe seiner Radiosendung „From My Home to Yours“. Diesmal stand die Show unter dem Motto „In Dreams“.

Die Sendung startete gegen Mitternacht und Bruce Springsteen erzählte, dass er die meiste Zeit in seinem Leben keine grosse Vorliebe für den Tag hatte. „Als Kind war ich ein Nachtkrieger und der Sonnenaufgang brachte nur Hindernisse“.

„For most of my life, I had no great fondness for the day. A born night crawler, up till 3 a.m. as a young child. Waking too early, schoolwork, and somebody else running my life. But at night I found my mind came to life. I felt a stimulation, and a creative excitement, a freedom, that eluded me in the day. At night, I felt most like myself.“

Als ersten Song präsentierte Bruce Springsteen das Instrumental „Man With a Harmonica“ des kürzlich verstorbenen italienischen Komponisten Ennio Morricone.

Bruce Springsteen sagte:

„Man With a Harmonica helped dim the lights and strike a cinematic vibe“.

„Man With a Harmonica“ wurde für den Sergio Leone Western „Spiel mir das Lied vom Tod“ im Jahre 1968 verwendet und machte Ennio Morricone zu einer Legende.

Bruce Springsteen fuhr fort:

„All that night was just something that came naturally to me. There was just something I loved about being awake as the straight world slept. It excited me. It sparked my creativity. And it gave me the uninterrupted peace and quiet I needed to work.

Occasionally, I’d break curfew, just to get out of the house. I’d take a 2 or 3 a.m. night drive in my ’60 ‚Vette, over the local roads of Monmouth County; the darkness and shadows of the highway at night was where I lived. I was a wandering spirit, barely there, looking briefly into the dimly lit homes where I could be living any one of a thousand other lives, filled with family and friends. But I wasn’t. For now, the life I chose was here: the life of words, the life of song, the life of these roads, of these evenings. This life — and all it gave, and all it withheld — was my life“.

Nach der Eigenkompositon „Stolen Car“ und dem The War On Drugs Lied „Strangest Thing“ erzählte Bruce Springsteen aus seiner Jugend und gab zu Protokoll, dass er eine Persona non grate im Zuhause seiner ersten Freundin war. Ich wurde von der Mutter meiner Freundin als unerwünscht eingestuft.

„I was persona non grata at my first real girlfriend’s house. It was 1965. Maybe it was the hair, my cultivated look of dishevelment, but whatever it was, I was marked as an undesirable by my perfect girlfriend’s mother.

Now, I was 15, and my gal was a year younger than me, 14. But though a year younger, she had a surprising, burgeoning sexuality that showed me up for being as inexperienced as I was at that age. But, I had one thing going for me: I was forbidden. I was not to be had. I was not to be touched. And she had a bit of a closeted rebellious streak of her own. So when mom was away, we ventured to mom’s bedroom, where she introduced me, for the first time, to what I think was full-on sex — though due to the fog of war, 55 years later, I can’t be completely sure. All I remember was she was beautiful, with a softness and a kindness cut by a streak of cruelty I should have took more notice of.

Now, in the shadows always lurked a major problem to our paradise. You see, she was solidly middle class: perfect plaid skirt, blouse with the Peter Pan collar, white socks, long blond tresses. I was a denizen from the far side of nowhere, where blacks intermingled with whites, where a man never left his house in a suit unless he was going to church or in trouble. Where the firemen, and the truck drivers, and the auto workers gathered around each other’s porches on summer nights and passed beers and stories of the week around.

Well, her mother could not help but be disappointed in and disapprove of who she thought I was. So the word came down, and she theatrically threatened to get a restraining order that would forbid me from seeing her perfect daughter.

Now, her perfect daughter had plenty of „Fuck you, Mom“ in her, so we began to meet at night, at the Broad Street schoolyard. And there, amongst the empty monkey bars and sliding boards and swings and seesaws, stood an oak tree that became our rendezvous and redemption point. We worked and leaned hard against that oak’s trunk on many a summer and fall night, trying to find whatever pleasure and satisfaction we could there. She stole time from Mama, girlfriends, and homework to meet me there. It was always too short, and a little painful. But at least she’d come, and we were there together.

Then one night she didn’t come. Or the next night, either. So I sat on the swings with the rest of the ghosts, dragging my feet through stones and dirt, until 2 a.m. Then I went home. The revolution was over. Whatever use I had been, I was needed no longer. I had engaged the enemy on the field of the battle of love, and I had been defeated. Or maybe she just got tired of it all — became too much of a hassle.

Well, I finally caught her at her locker in school, one morning, and she tried to be kind, but I wouldn’t let her. I wanted to hear her say it was all over. So she said it. I went home, and I decided to rid myself of her, to relieve my heart of her, to release my mind of the burden of thinking of her. It didn’t work. I’d see her in my dreams“.

Im weiteren Verlauf der knapp zweistündigen Sendung rezitiert Springsteen unter anderem aus dem Robert Louis Stevenson Gedicht „The Land of Nod“ und zeichnet Barszenen nach, die an den Song „Tougher Than The Rest“ erinnern.

Bruce Springsteen beendete die Sendung mit folgenden Worten:

„How do we live beneath the beauty of God’s hand? How do we become worthy of the love that he’s made possible for us on Earth? And how do we light and carry our own lamp through the darkness? How do we be brave in His name and in our love?“


Ennio Morricone – „Man With a Harmonica“
Lee Hazelwood und Nancy Sinatra – „Some Velvet Morning“
Ludovico Einaudi – „Night“
Lana Del Rey – „American“
Moby – „Fireworks“
Bruce Springsteen – „Stolen Car“
The War on Drugs: „Strangest Thing“
Brian Eno – „Always Returning“
Leonard Cohen – „In My Secret Life“
Bruce Springsteen – „Breakaway“
Bruce Springsteen – „Meeting Across the River“
Ry Cooder – „Cancion Mixteca“
Bruce Springsteen – „Sad Eyes“
Ola Gjeilo – „Before Dawn“
Bruce Springsteen – „Something in the Night“
Sigur Rós – „Ágaetis byrjun“
Roy Orbison – „In Dreams“
Mark Isham und Marianne Faithfull – „The Hawk (El Gavilan)“
Robert Shaw – „Beautiful Dreamer“
Reverend Horton Heat – „In Your Wildest Dreams“

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Aug 12 2020

Bruce Springsteens Radioshow kommt nach Deutschland

RBB Radio Eins bringt Bruce Springsteens Radioshow „From My Home To Yours“ nach Deutschland. Die achtteilige Sendung wir im Rahmen von „Radio Eins Experience“ jeweils montags ab 23:00 Uhr auf radioeins zu hören sein.

Die Pressemeldung:

Bruce Springsteens Radiosendungen „From My Home To Yours“ wurden vom US-amerikanischen Sender Sirius FM ausgestrahlt und jetzt gibt es sie exklusiv auf radioeins zu hören.

In den acht Folgen präsentiert der Boss nicht nur seine persönliche Favoriten wie zum Beispiel Roy Orbison, Lucinda Williams und Bob Dylan, sondern geht auch auf tagespolitische Ereignisse ein. So hat sich Bruce Springsteen natürlich auch mit dem Mord an George Floyd auseinandergesetzt.

„Bruce Springsteen: From My Home to Yours“ ab dem 17. August 2020 im Rahmen von „Experience“, jeweils montags ab 23:00 Uhr exklusiv auf radioeins. Der Boss wird jeden Abend von Helmut Heimann begleitet.

Die zehnte Ausgabe des Sendeformats „From My Home To Yours“ läuft übrigens heute Abend – 12. August 2020 – auf Sirius XM E Street Radio.

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Jul 31 2020

Bruce Springsteen Live – Von seinem Zuhause in dein Zuhause / Volume 9

Patti Scialfa feierte am 29. Juli 2020 ihren 67. Geburtstag (wir berichteten hier).

Tags darauf – am 30. Juli 2020 – war Bruce Springsteen auf Sirius XM E Street Radio „On Air“ und präsentierte eine 113minütige Radioshow, die unter dem Titel „Rumble Doll“ stand. Der „Boss“ begrüsste als Special-Guest seine Frau Patti Scialfa und lies es sich nicht nehmen, aus der Karriere seiner „First Lady Of Love“ zu berichten.

Die Sendung begann mit dem Song „Tell Him“ der im Jahre 1962 in Queens gegründeten Band „The Exciters“. Bruce Springsteen erzählte, dass diese Komposition für beide sehr bedeutsam ist. Ausserdem begrüsste er die Zuhörer mit folgenden Worten:

Bruce Springsteen:
„Today we will be featuring the music of my red-headed Jersey girl, and her great albums – ‚Rumble Doll‘, ’23rd Street Lullaby‘, ‚Play It As It Lays‘, and whaddya say we get started?“

Nachdem das titelgebende Lied des Patti Scialfa Debütalbums gespielt wurde, erinnerte sich Patti Scialfa an das Jahr 1993 zurück und gab zu Protokoll, dass „Rumble Doll“ analog in der Garage des Produzenten Mike Campbell aufgenommen und abgemischt wurde.

Patti Scialfa:
„We recorded on analog in his garage, and I felt we had a really organic approach to the record — which I think was really fitting for the material. Mike Campbell was very sensitive to how I wrote the songs — I would always play him the song on the instrument I wrote it on, and he basically copied that muted triplet on the guitar“

Im weiteren Verlauf dieser Aufnahmesession teilte Patti Scialfa dem Produzenten mit, dass sie mit ihrem ersten Sohn schwanger sei. Bruce Springsteen meldete sich zu Wort und fuhr fort, dass Patti nicht nur ein Album gemacht, sondern auch Essen für einen Arschlochmusiker zubereiten musste.

Bruce Springsteen:
„So Patti made this album while pregnant, while rushing home to cook some asshole musician dinner“

Patti Scialfa:
„I will never do that again!. while he sat his fat ass on the couch and watched television all night“

Bruce Springsteen und Patti Scialfa unterhielten sich auch über Musiker, die das Songwriting der Patti Scialfa Platten geprägt hatten. Bruce erinnert unter anderem an an die im Jahre 1997 verstorbene Sängerin und Komponistin Laura Nyro, die grossen Einfluss auf die Popmusik der späten 1960er und der 1970er Jahre hatte.

Bruce Springsteen:
„I can hear her voice in your beautiful song, ‚Young in the City‘. That is just some incredible lyric-writing and a beautiful classic New York City urban arrangement. Those city songs of yours remind me of who you were when we first met. You were a stone cold city girl, nineteen years living in the city!“

Patti Scialfa:
„I loved New York City, I had a massive love affair with the city“

Bruce Springsteen:
„I used to steal up there and sit on a park bench, waiting for my gal to meet me with a six-pack of beer“

Patti Scialfa:
„This is true. We got engaged on that park bench“

Bruce Springsteen spielte im Anschluss den Song „Talk To Me Like The Rain“ aus dem „Rumble Doll“ Album und beteuerte, dass dieses Lied zu seinen Favoriten zählt. Patti Scialfa fällt ihrem Ehemann prompt ins Wort und erinnert, dass er sämtliche Instrumente zu diesem Song beigesteuert hat.

Bruce Springsteen:
„We’ve been concentrating mostly on Rumble Doll; for your next two records you took a bit of a turn. You embraced more southern soul and R&B influences, even some blues. You had a new producer“.

Patti Scialfa:
„23rd St. Lullaby was Steve Jordan“.

Als nächstes rezensierte Bruce Springsteen die im Jahr 2004 bzw. 2007 erschienenen Alben „23rd. Street Lullaby“ sowie „Play It As It Lays“ und informiert, dass Patti Scalfa einen Wandel vollzogen und mehr Soul, Blues und RnB in das Songwriting hat einfliessen lassen.

Die Sendung endete überraschend intim und persönlich. Bruce und Patti tauschten sich über den Song „Valerie“ aus:

Bruce Springsteen:
„Let’s move to ‚Valerie‘. This is a very heavy song in our history, because my recollection was, I was visiting you in your apartment in New York, probably when I shouldn’t have been visiting you in your apartment in New York“

Patti Scialfa:
„We were actually rehearsing…“

Bruce Springsteen:
„Under the guise of rehearsing for Tunnel of Love, and teaching you the guitar parts. But anyway, somehow you got around to playing me this next song, and I remember thinking, this woman can write, and it totally made me twice as scared as I was anyway.“

Patti Scialfa:
„That’s so sweet!“

Bruce Springsteen:
„It was like, Whoa. I think I saw your talent for the first time outside of your voice“

Patti Scialfa:
„I remember that very … explicitly“

Als letzte Songs wurden „Spanish Dancer“ und „Rose“ gespielt.

Bruce Springsteen:
„And these were all written for you at the time when love feels very dangerous. Yes it did. Yes, it did. So — let’s play it. When I pass away, just take these [‚Spanish Dancer‘] lyrics and slap ‚em up on my headstone! That’s all they need to know about me“

Mit den Worten „That’s it for this week. Stay smart, stay safe, stay healthy, stay strong — and stay in love!“ beendet Bruce Springsteen die mittlerweile neunte Ausgabe seiner Radioshow.


The Exciters – „Tell Him“
Patti Scialfa – „Rumble Doll“
Patti Scialfa – „Lucky Girl
Laura Nyro – „I Met Him on a Sunday“
Laura Nyro – „The Bells
Patti Scialfa – „Young In The City“
Wanda Jackson – „Fujiyama Mama“
Patti Scialfa – „City Boys“
Patti Scialfa – „As Long as I Can Be With You“
The Ronettes – „Walking in the Rain“
Patti Scialfa – „Talk to Me Like the Rain“
Irma Thomas – „Ruler of My Heart“
Patti Scialfa – „You’re a Big Girl Now“ (previously unreleased)
Patti Scialfa – „Like Any Woman Would“
Al Green – „So Tired of Being Alone“
Ike & Tina Turner – „River Deep Mountain High“
Patti Scialfa – „Town Called Heartbreak“
Patti Scialfa – „Valerie“
Patti Scialfa – „Looking for Elvis“
Marianne Faithfull – „Trouble in Mind (The Return)“
Patti Scialfa – „Spanish Dancer“
Patti Scialfa – „Rose“

Mehr Infos:


Jul 17 2020

Bruce Springsteen Live – Von seinem Zuhause in dein Zuhause / Volume 8

Bruce Springsteen war vorgestern – 15. Juli 2020 – zum achten Mal „Live On Air“ und führte wie schon am 8. April 2020, am 24. April 2020, am 6. Mai 2020, am 20. Mai 2020, am 3. Juni 2020 , am 17. Juni 2020 sowie am 1. Juli 2020 durch eine knapp zweistündige Sendung auf SIRIUS XM E STREET RADIO.

Die Show stand unter dem Motto „Summertime, Summertime“ und Bruce Springsteen lies es sich nicht nehmen, Geschichten rund um die heisse Jahreszeit zu erzählen. Obwohl die Corona Krise die Vereinigten Staaten immer noch in Atem hält, erinnerte sich Bruce Springsteen an die Sommer seiner Jugend zurück.

I loved and love summer. As a child I became summer. I melted into the hot tarmac, I rolled myself into a sand ball at the beach. I slid beneath the murky water, ducking summer dragonflies at the Freehold pond. I sat in the tops of trees, feeling the summer breeze prickle over my freshly cut Saturday-afternoon flat-top.

I’d stand with my bike ’neath the August sun by the roadside, watching the locals on the road crew lay down the steaming blacktop, that beneath their rakes and shovels and heavy equipment curled and flattened like hot licorice. And when the big men and the machinery moved away, I waited, and I wanted my wheels to be the first to touch that steaming, virgin roadway.

In the evening twilight, I sat glued to the curb with a Pinky rubber ball in my hand, waiting for my best friend Bobby Duncan to finish his dinner so we could engage in epic gutterball tournaments into the night. And then later with scissors we’d poke holes into the lids of glass mason jars and invade the vacant lot across from my grandmother’s front porch to capture our nightly quota of the evening’s fireflies, just to leave them twinkling til dawn on our night tables. May they rest in peace.

We’d play Home Free, running from pool of light to pool of light from our neighborhood street lamps, until we were called in, as the neighborhood’s porch lights went dark, by my grandmother’s voice. And there, my sister and I would sleep on opposite sides of the bed, wrapped between hot, sticky sheets, on pre-air-conditioning, humid, Jersey summer nights.

There were evenings that, if it got hot enough, my Dad showed mercy on us, and he’d pack us into the Olds and set off in the darkness on Route 33 for the 20-mile ride to Manasquan, where on those nights the heat and the humidity of inland Freehold became too much to bear. We’d sleep in our pajamas, our bed blankets stretched out on the cool sand, enjoying the ocean air of the Manasquan Inlet.

Then at early light, like magic, we’d be carried back into the house, into our bedrooms, sandy-haired from our beach sleep, and I’d watch the sun splash its morning gold over the western wall of my room. And soon I’d smell my mother’s coffee drifting up through the floor grate that opened to my room. I’d lie awake and listen to my parents leave for work.

As a teenager, I would stay up all night — as a crucible to pass for three or four nights of the summer, as the house sank into a midsummer-evening silence. I’d be camping out in my room. I’d have my flashlight, I’d have my Japanese transistor AM radio that I was listening to. I would take 2:00 or 3:00 a.m. walks around the town of Freehold, when the streets were mine!

At night and only at night was I king of the streets of Freehold, New Jersey, unhassled by the day’s rednecks. Any time they’d see some longhair pass the barbershop they’d come running out, shaving cream half on their face: „Hey! Are you a girl?“

That was bullshit I didn’t need in those days.

So in the middle of the evening, I’d return home — 3:30 a.m., I’d arrive into the kitchen, I would build myself an almighty peanut butter-and-jelly sandwich, pouring it on. I would then retire to my room to wait for my favorite song to be broadcast by the WMCA Good Guys. One summer, my favorite song was Lonnie Donegan’s „Does Your Chewing Gum Lose Its Flavour (on the Bedpost Overnight?)“!

In my bed, in the summer I’d be reading all my old copies of Surfer magazine. Did I surf? No. But the magazine held two very essential elements, surf or not. I was deeply interested in the perfectly tanned surfer girls in bikinis, and in the advertisements for Fender guitars.

There they were, in the fresh ads, the true objects of my desire: three white Fenders — a bass, a Stratocaster, and a Jaguar, each as white as the Hawaiian sand, lined up next to one another, each more desirable than the next… but taken as a group? My god. The perfect trifecta.

Now, I spent relatively short quality time with the pictures of the surfer girls. But I spent hours in my bunk, in my room, salivating over those guitars. I’d drift off to sleep with the magazine open on my chest, and then riding the summer breeze from the west came slipping through my open bedroom window, a sound I swear that was coming from some perfect beach thousands of miles away …

Neben Geschichten gab es auch viele Songs. Unter anderem spielte Bruce Springsteens mit „Sherry Darling“, „4th of July, Asbury Park (Sandy), „County Fair“ und „Backstreets“ vier eigene Kompositionen. Darüber hinaus legte er auch die Erfolgssingle „Night Swimming“ der aus Athens, GA stammenden Rockband R.E.M. auf.

Bruce Springsteen sagte:

There is nothing like the sea at night. When the water is slightly warmer than the air, even though the air is humid after a 95-degree day. God, I love swimming at night. It is all darkness and mystery. It is the void.

And it must be done naked. Clothes at the waterline, please. Do this, and my pilgrim, you will become cleansed. Never will the evening air, or a kiss on the beach, or a dry towel ever feel so good again. The walk to the car will be filled with starlit grace, and you will never forget it.

And once you hit the water, you will be covered in the blossoming beauty of your youth, no matter how old you are. And whoever you’re with, you will always remember them.


Noveller – „Canyons“ / „Pre-fabled“
The Jamies – „Summertime Summertime“
War on Drugs – „Up All Night“
Lonnie Donegan – „Does Your Chewing Gum Lose Its Flavour (on the Bedpost Overnight?)“
Bruce Springsteen – „Sherry Darling“
Beach Boys – „California Girls“
Ren Harvieu – „Summer Romance“
Lana Del Rey – „Video Games“
H.E.R. – „I Can’t Breathe“
James Brown – „The Boss“
Sly & The Family Stone – „Hot Fun in the Summertime“
The Rolling Stones – „Under the Boardwalk“
Bruce Springsteen – „4th of July, Asbury Park (Sandy)“
Bruce Springsteen – „County Fair“
Instrumental interlude: Brian Wilson and Van Dyke Parks – „Lullaby“
Bruce Springsteen – „Backstreets“
Kendrick Lamar (ft. Zacari) – „LOVE.“
Victoria Williams – „Summer of Drugs“
Instrumental interlude: Noble Oak – „Hypersleep“
REM – „Nightswimming“
Little Steven & the Disciples of Soul – „Summer of Sorcery“
Bobby Darin – „Beyond the Sea“

Mehr Infos:


Jul 2 2020

Bruce Springsteen Live – Von seinem Zuhause in dein Zuhause / Volume 7

Bruce Springsteen war gestern – 1. Juli 2020 – abermals „Live On Air“ und führte wie schon am 8. April 2020, am 24. April 2020, am 6. Mai 2020, am 20. Mai 2020, am 3. Juni 2020 sowie am 17. Juni 2020 durch eine 90minütige Sendung auf SIRIUS XM E STREET RADIO. Die Sendung stand unter dem Motto „The Jersey Summit!“ und der „Boss“ begrüsste seine langjährigen Weggefährten Little Steven Van Zandt und Southside Johnny Lyon.

Bruce Springsteen begrüsste die Zuschauer mit folgenden Worten:

„Hello, hello, fellow Americans and summer revellers! I’m glad to be here with you on this Fourth of July weekend to help you celebrate our Independence Day. We have a three-DJ spectacular for you today — I will be spinning the discs with Southside Johnny and Little Steven Van Zandt! And we will be concentrating on the soul stylings of Asbury Park, circa 1977 to ’88, when Southside and Steve and I had all gotten together down at the Stone Pony. Steve and South had their fantastic house band there, and I spent many nights there high as a fuckin‘ kite.“

Johnny Lyon erblickte am 4. Dezember 1948 in Neptune, NJ das Licht der Welt. In jungen Jahren interessierte er sich für die Rock’n Roll Musik und beschloss, in Elvis Presleys Fussstapfen zu treten und weltberühmt zu werden. Wie Bruce Springsteen verdiente er sich seine ersten Lorbeeren in der Küstenstadt Asbury Park, NJ, wo er unter anderem in den 1970er Jahren als Mundharmonikaspieler in Bruce Springsteens Band „Dr. Zoom & the Sonic Boom“ im Erscheinung trat.

Nach unzähligen Auftritten in den angesagtesten Kneipen der Stadt, gelang ihm Mitte der 1970er Jahren der nationale Durchbruch. Sein Debütalbum „I Don’t Want To Go Home“ aus dem Jahre 1976 war stark geprägt von Rhythm & Blues und wurde ein Achtungserfolg. Das von Steven Van Zandt produzierte Werk landete auf Platz 125 der “Billboard Abum Charts”.

Southside Johnny & The Asbury Jukes – Hearts of Stone

Da die Asbury Jukes ständig in Springsteens Schatten standen, blieb der erhoffte kommerzielle Erfolg weitgehend aus. Die Jukes arbeiteten trotzdem unverdrossen weiter und machten sich als „Jerseys Greatest Showband“ einen Namen. Im Jahre 1982 wählte das „Rolling Stone Magazin“ den Longplayer „Hearts of Stone“ aus dem Jahre 1978 unter die Top-100-Alben der 1970er und 1980er Jahre.

Während der knapp zweistündigen Sendung wurden 20 Songs von Bruce Springsteen, Southside Johnny, Little Steven, Clarence Clemons und Gary U.S. Bonds gespielt. Unter anderem auch die Little Steven Live-Version der Bruce Springsteen Komposition „Tucson Train“.

Der Song ist auf Bruce Springsteens aktuellem Longplayer „Western Stars“ zu finden. Am 15. September 2019 lies es sich Little Steven nicht nehmen, besagtes Lied im „Rialto Theatre“ in Tucson, AZ erstmals Live vor Publikum zu performen.

Little Steven kündigte damals „Tucson Train“ mit folgenden Worten an:

„We got something special for you tonight. We’re gonna try something out, first time. A buddy of mine has a new album out called ‚Western Stars‘. And the movie’s gonna come out, I believe it’s Oct. 25. Ya gotta see this movie. It’s one of the most incredible things I’ve ever seen in my life. We’re gonna give you a little recycled version of the trailer to the movie. Audio trailer, anyway. This is something called ‚Tucson Train'“


Bruce Springsteen – What Love Can Do
Bruce Springsteen – I’m Going Down
Southside Johnny – Some Things Just Don’t Change
Bruce Springsteen – Gotta Get That Feeling
Little Steven – Love Again
Southside Johnny – Love On The Wrong Side Of Town
Bruce Springsteen – So Young And In Love
Gary U.S. Bonds – Soul Deep
Southside Johnny – Coming Back
Little Steven – Until The Good Is Gone
Bruce Springsteen – Lion’s Den
Little Steven – Soul Power Twist
Southside Johnny – The Fever
Clarence Clemons – Savin‘ Up
Gary U.S. Bonds – This Little Girl
Little Steven – Tucson Train (Live)
Southside Johnny – First Night
Southside Johnny – I Don’t Want To Go Home
Bruce Springsteen – 10th Avenue Freeze Out
Southside Johnny – It’s Been A Long Time
Bruce Springsteen – Jersey Girl

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