Jan 15 2010

„Light of Day“ in Asbury Park, NJ

An diesem Wochenende (15. bis 17. Januar 2010) findet in Asbury Park, NJ das 10. Light of Day Konzertfestival statt.
Unter anderem geben sich anerkannte Künstler wie Eddie Kowalczyk (Leadsänger von Live), Joe Grushecky & The Houserockers, Willie Nile, Jesse Malin, Glen Burtinik, John Eddie, Joe D’Urso & Stone Caravan, Nicole Atkins und viele mehr in den örtlichen Clubs ein Stell-Dich-Ein. Eventuell wird Bruce Springsteen bei einem der Konzerte als Gaststar auftreten.

Über die „Light of Day Foundation“:

The Light of Day concert series is now in its 10th year. What began as a single concert at the Stone Pony in  Asbury Park, New Jersey has grown into ten shows in seven countries in the U.S., Canada and Europe.
The funds raised are donated to help the fight against Parkinson’s and related diseases by supporting research into better treatments, cures and support for patients suffering from Parkinson’s and related diseases. The first 2009 event will take in July in Columbus, Ohio. The main event will take place in early November in the Asbury Park, New Jersey area with an expanded European tour and Canadian shows in the planning stages for later this year.

MyCentralJersey schreibt:

More than 20 bands … including The Reveling with Jay Weinberg on drums … kick things off tonight at the Stone Pony. Then, down the street, the Wonder Bar hosts a show on Saturday afternoon, followed by a big blowout at the Paramount Theatre … weiterlesen

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