Bruce Springsteen Live – Von seinem Zuhause in dein Zuhause / Volume 20

Die 20. Ausgabe der Bruce Springsteen Radioshow „From My Home To Yours“ trug den Titel „Here Comes the Weekend“ und ging am 31. März 2021 auf Sirius XM E STREET RADIO ‚on Air‘.

Bruce Springsteen begrüsste die Zuhörer mit folgenden Worten:

„Greetings, creatures of Earth! Fellows, freaks!
Interstellar rock fans, locals, beach bums, New Jerseyans, ladies, gentlemen, boys and girls, listeners from sea to shining sea, and around the globe — welcome to Volume 20 of From My Home to Yours, titled ‚Here Comes the Weekend.“

„Als am Freitagnachmittag um drei Uhr die Glocke läutete war ich endlich frei. Frei von irgendjemandem, der mein Leben regulieren und mir sagen wollte, was ich tun müsse…“. Bruce Springsteen erinnerte sich an seine Schulzeit zurück und gab bekannt, dass es nichts schöneres geben konnte, als nach einer harten Schulwoche den Schulranzen vom Rücken zu schnallen, aus den Schulkleidern zu schlüpfen und sich auf den Boden seines Zimmers zu legen.

„What is better than the weekend? Friday, Saturday, Sunday… even a non-working bum like me can remember being in school and counting the days, hours, minutes, and seconds before that three-o’clock bell rang on Friday afternoon. I was free! Free of anybody running my life, telling me where I had to be, when I had to be there! I would burst through the school doors, walk that happy mile from school, down through town, throw my books on the kitchen table, run to my room, rip myself out of my school clothes, deposit them on the floor.…
Oh, yes. Oh, yes, the weekend. My god, how I lived for it.“

Zweieinhalb Tage Freiheit!
Ein Wochenende in Freehold, NJ der 1960er Jahre. Bruce Springsteen lies uns an seinen Jugenderinnerungen teilhaben und spielte Songs, die sein Leben geprägt haben. Der „Boss“ lies Klassiker von Frank Sinatra („Saturday Night Is the Loneliest Night of the Week“), The Drifters („Saturday Night at the Movies“) aufleben und legte während der knapp sechzig Sendeminuten auch neuere Kompositionen (Loney, Dear – „Saturday Waits“) auf.

„Friday night was the CYO dance. I’d be there in front of the band, not dancing, but doing my real homework of the week: studying, studying, studying… that lead guitarist’s hands, inscrutably watching every riff and run he made… then I would run home while the other kids were getting their pizza down at Federici’s and chasing the girls. I would run up to my room, and early into Saturday morning I would be trying to replicate what I’d seen down at the dance until I dropped to sleep with the guitar in my hands.“

„At sixteen, I would hop up around 11 o’clock. I would head to the bus terminal, I would hop on the Lincoln Transit bus headed for Washington Square Park and Greenwich Village.“

„I lived in the Village on weekends as a teenager — anything to get me from that big boot pressing down on my neck in my lovely little redneck town.“

„That piece of MacDougal from… I guess from about Washington Square to Bleecker, I think, is the only piece of the authentic ’60s Village that is still intact. And I lived on that piece of concrete for, I don’t know, ’65, ’66, ’67… and if you go there now, you can see it exactly as it was when Steve Van Zandt and I together tramped the concrete from the Park to the Cafe Wha? Check it out.“

„Now there was only one time when the weekend could be truly toxic, and that was when you had freshly broken up with your girl. Then, the weekend would stick in your guts and break your heart with time and emptiness.“

Bruce Springsteen kam auch auf die unbekannte New Yorker Sängerin und Songwriterin Kristina Train zu sprechen und sagte, dass jeder Musikfan das im Jahre 2012 erschienene Album „Dark Black“ besitzen müsse.

…An album you have to own, you have to have it in your library… one of my favorite records of the past decade… terribly overlooked here in the states… Dark Black, Dark Black, Dark Black… you will not regret checking into this wonderful piece of music.

Das Wochenende neigt sich seinem Ende zu.
Bruce Springsteen lies seine 20. Radiosendung mit Kris Kristoffersons „Sunday Mornin‘ Coming Down“ sowie Dave Edmunds „Here Comes the Weekend“ ausklingen.


The Easybeats – „Friday on My Mind“
The Cure – „Friday I’m in Love“
Chicago – „Saturday in the Park“
Loney, Dear – „Saturday Waits“
Kristina Train – „Saturdays Are the Greatest“
Frank Sinatra – „Saturday Night (Is the Loneliest Night of the Week)“
The Drifters – „Saturday Night at the Movies“
Cat Stevens – „Another Saturday Night“
Tony Joe White – „Saturday Night in Oak Grove Louisiana“
Acid House Kings – „Sunday Morning“
Kris Kristofferson – „Sunday Mornin‘ Comin‘ Down“
Loverboy – „Working For the Weekend“
Gary U.S. Bonds – „Seven Day Weekend“
Dave Edmunds – „Here Comes the Weekend“

Mehr Infos:
