Little Steven: „We will continue to make music and perform“

Die gestrige Little Steven Radioshow „The Underground Garage“ stand unter dem Motto „For Clarence“ (wir berichteten hier). Van Zandt erinnerte während der Sendung an den am 18. Juni 2011 in Florida verstorbenen E Street Band Saxophonisten Clarence Clemons und gab unter anderem zu Protokoll, dass sich die E Street Band nicht auflösen werde. berichtet:

Steven Van Zandt: ‚We will continue to make music and perform‘
„Rock ’n‘ roll has lost an irreplaceable performer. The E Street Band has lost its second member. And, personally, I have lost a lifelong friend and brother. Rock ’n‘ roll historians will discuss in great detail and lengthy discourse the profound racial implications and effect of a white rock band in the early ’70s having a black man with such a strong featured presence as well as the unmistakeable and dangerously unfashionable … weiterlesen

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