Update: Stand Up For Heroes 2013 – mit Bruce Springsteen

Bruce Springsteen wird sich auch in diesem Jahr an der Benefizveranstaltung „Stand Up For Heroes“ beteiligen.

Am 6. November 2013 wird der 63jährige Künstler gemeinsam mit Jon Stewart, Jerry Seinfeld und Roger Waters im „Theater at Madison Square Garden“ auftreten, um Spendengelder für die Bob Woodruff Foundation zu sammeln.


Die Veranstaltung wird Live auf YouTube und oder Google+ zu sehen sein.

Über die Bob Woodruff Foundation:

The vision of the Bob Woodruff Foundation is to provide resources and support to injured service members, veterans and their families — building a movement to empower communities nationwide to take action to successfully reintegrate our nation’s injured heroes—especially those who have sustained the Hidden Injuries of War—back into their communities so they may thrive physically, psychologically, socially and economically.

Our Mission is Threefold:

  1. We invest in national and community-based programs that connect our troops to the help they need — from individual needs like job training, career placement, counseling, physical accommodations, to larger social issues like substance abuse and homelessness.
  2. We educate the public about the needs of service members returning from war…and our nation’s greater need to ensure our heroes and families receive the support necessary to have successful futures.
  3. We collaborate with key federal, state, and local experts to identify and solve issues related to the successful return of service members from combat to civilian life.

Together with our partners and supporters in communities across the country, we are healing the physical and hidden wounds of war.

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